Monday, February 9, 2009

First Grade Robot Project

For 1st grade, Dilan had to create a robot.  He began by collecting paper towel and toilet paper rolls, a fishy box, a red vines plastic container, popcorn boxes and a tape roll.  He needed to come up with a design so he got out the glitter glue and started drawing.  In the end, he decided to go with a R2D2 look.  He and Andre put it together and painted it.


Erin said...

Wow! that is quite the robot! I think Dilan has a career in engineering!

mademoisellechitchat said...

CUTE photos!!! Is this what I have to look forward to? ;)

Marcella said...

Oh wow, it came out great! Good job Dilan and fam! I love it that he got out the glitter glue to create his design. :)