Friday, February 27, 2009

A Night with the Jonas Brothers

Na took Dilan to see the Jonas Brothers 3D Concert Experience tonight.  He took a shower and got dressed in what he calls a handsome shirt and jeans.  They had a ball. Apparently there was lots of screaming, standing up, clapping and cell-phones being waved in the air.  The movie theatre industry has really hit it big with this whole 3D thing.  They were only selling Adult tickets at $15 a pop plus a $1 surcharge on each ticket.  Then there is the concession stand. Then Na offered to take Dilan to Target to look for the soundtrack and Dilan replied with, "You're the BEST Na!"   They had it, so once home he downloaded it to his iPod and is listening to it constantly.  I'm sure we will listen to it in the car so I too will be singing Jonas Brothers tunes :)  Taking Dilan on a date night is sure expensive.  Thanks Na, Dilan had such a great time.  I think Na did too :)  She knows quite a few facts about those Jonas boys.

Dilan's New Loft Bed

Dilan got a new loft bed with a desk yesterday.  He just loves it!  We got it from Ashley Furniture and they again screwed something up.  The middle part of the desk doesn't fit right and they put the bunk bed together wrong.  One of the pieces is facing the wrong direction.  Hopefully we will get it fixed really soon.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Uncle Paul & Aunt Sarah's Puppies

Mia had three puppies on February 2nd.  The kids and I went down there last Wednesday after Dilan had yet another arm X-Ray and hung out with Uncle Paul, Aunt Sarah and the new puppies. The kids loved the puppies.   Every time you went to pet the one Haylee was holding she would say, "that me boy, don't touch!"

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wheezing Addisen

I took Addisen to the Dr. on Tuesday morning because she had been up for the past several nights coughing so bad that she was throwing up.  Dr. Kanagal took one look at her and said her color was bad and when she listened to her lungs she was wheezing.  She started a breathing treatment immediately which took myself and a nurse to hold Addie down.  Her lungs cleared nicley and we were sent home with a bunch of breathing meds.  I had the machine at home since Dilan has asthma.  The first couple of times Addie cried and whined but it seems to be getting easier now. As my brother would say, "WHAT NEXT?"

The Phoenix Zoo

On Presiden't day we took the Peruba kids (Jake, Biz & Abby), the Cole Kids (Dilan & Haylee (Addie was sick AGAIN)), the Na, Aunt Joan and Uncle Denny to the Phoenix Zoo.  The kids had a great time running around and seeing all the animals.

The Peruba's Visit

Our cousins from Illinois came to visit this last week. The kids had a blast. Haylee just fell in love with Biz and Abby and pretends to call them on the phone all the time now.  Dilan aspires to be 11 like Jake because he is just so cool (slow down kiddo, you have lots of time).  We celebrated Jake's 11th birthday while he was here and what a blast we had. 

Friday, February 13, 2009

Haylee's Valentine's Party

On Thursday Haylee's class celebrated Valentine's Day with an ice cream party!  I wasn't able to attend because Dilan was home with 103 fever so my friend Saundra took some pics for me (thanks!).