Monday, September 21, 2009

Addisen Eleanor is FREE!!!!!!

On September 21st marked a very significant milestone for Addie. Today is the day we were told she could finally have her G-Tube removed! What an exciting day it was. She had gained several pounds and was eating so much food. It had been 18 long months of hard work for Addie. She went through three feeding/speech therapist over that 18 months and worked so hard to learn to eat. She now loves, cheese, pasta, peanut butter and chocolate. We are all so proud of her.


Erin said...

Yay for Addie!!! Yay for Mom!! Good job.

Unknown said...

We are so happy for ALL of you! What an amazing journey you have had. I hope you kept the last button (she will take it for show and tell one day- I promise)
We love you guys xo