Saturday, July 11, 2009

Addisen Eleanor is 2

Addisen Eleanor is 2 years old.  How can that be?  I feel like she was just a 5lb. 7oz baby girl in my arms for the first time.  She has had a really rough year but is coming out of it beautifully.  Her recent Endoscopy with 5 biopsies came back great.  She has terrible reflux but that we are dealing with by giving her 30mg of Prevacid daily.  She is completely 100% oral fed now.  She still has the G-Tube to make sure she can gain weight though.  She loves cheese, marshmallows, turkey hot dogs (she's allergic to pork), and anything sweet :)  Addie also has quite the vocabulary.  She is speaking in 5 -6 word sentences.  Her favorite sentence right now is, "Let me do it."  She is very independent.  Words can't express how lucky we are to have you in our lives.  Addie completed her birthday by getting  a dozen free donuts from Krispy Kreme and her free scoop of chocolate ice cream from Baskin Robbins.  

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