Thursday, July 9, 2009

Haylee's New Unwanted Hairdo

Last night I was checking my emails and Haylee came running in crying.  She had taken a round-brush to brush her hair and gotten it stuck.  She didn't ask for help but just pulled till it all came out.  And a lot came out.  It broke off with maybe in an inch in some paces and a couple inches in others in the front and on top of her hear.  I went into the bathroom and there was hair everywhere.  I am still seeing little pieces on the floor.  When I ran my fingers through it chunks came out.  Her beautiful curly hair that has taken four years to grown.  I know it is just hair but I feel so bad.


The Saunders Family said...

She is just as beautiful with less curls. I'm still amazed that she pulled it out...tough girl!

Erin said...

OUCH! Poor Haylee! What a toughie to pull it all out, though! It will grow again, and be as beautiful as ever!